Author: Kelsee Braun

Combatting Negative Self-Talk
Self Improvement

Combatting Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk is something that everyone deals with in life. Whether the little voice inside your head tells you to skip that new workout class or that you are just not smart enough, pretty enough, or you do not know what you are doing, it is annoying and unhealthy. While studies show that being self-aware […]

Being Afraid to Love
Dating Tips for Parents

Being Afraid to Love

Sometimes people are afraid to love because relationships fail.  This is always a thought in the back of your mind that we may or may not be able to find true love.  IF we know or don’t know it, most people are afraid of falling in love.  Our fears can take over our thoughts and […]

Single Parent Dating
Dating Tips for Parents

Single Parent Dating

Many people have fell in love, dated, had children and then one day will wake up and decide that you want to be right back into the dating scene again.  When this happens, divorced singles might question if they are ready, especially if they have children. For some, dating after being in a relationship can […]

Betting Your Child’s Mental Health

Betting Your Child’s Mental Health

When you ask an adult if their mom and dad loved them, chances are they will say “no.”  According to a study, 80% of adults didn’t think that their parents loved them.  Even though this is most likely untrue, the feeling of being loved can sometimes get buried under other feelings such as stress and […]

Improving Your Mental Health
Self Improvement

Improving Your Mental Health

Do you feel that you have set too many expectations for yourself?  DO you feel that you have to improve your brain health and that you need to increase the positive thoughts in your brain?  You brain will often interpret things that happen in your life as a negative or a positive.  Your brain will […]