Author: Kelsee Braun

How to Be a Good Parent

How to Be a Good Parent

How do you know if you are a good parent? Parents often worry if they are good enough or if they are being good. Society always puts measurements on things and being a good parent is something that many want to work towards. It is hard to really measure what being a good parent means. […]

Your Past and Your Future Self
Self Improvement

Your Past and Your Future Self

We have all been raised in a world where we see competition as an outside force. This can be in our jobs, schools, sports, our money, relationships and even in friendships. Competing is something that is normal and should be against other people. There are so many things in the world that you can do […]

Why Your Teen Rebels

Why Your Teen Rebels

Teenage and rebellion has gone hand in hand for years. This even happened as long ago as Biblical times, starting with Cain and Abel. As a parent, what do you do about this? Do you fight against your teenager or surrender to their dark ways? Do you try to defeat them, make them surrender? By […]

Live a Life of Love
Self Improvement

Live a Life of Love

There comes a time when you have to learn to stop living in your old life and learn to do something new. Do something that you want and not something that you will regret. Take time to think about all of your abilities and the potential that you have life and go with it. Courage […]