Being a Strong Single Parent

Being a Strong Single Parent

Parents are always sacrificing their needs to meet the needs of their children and it is even more so if you are a single mom or dad.  Being a single parent means that you have to prioritize your time and develop habits around your own life that are different and changed.


You always need to have an idea what you want in your life and for your children.  If you are committed to be a good single parent, then you will need to set goals so that you and your family can always be ready to grow.  Some great goals are being ready on time, moving to be closer to family and friends and managing how you spend your money.  Another idea is to make sure you are able to share your child with your ex without a fight.


Being a single parent means that you are always trying to make time for everything going on such as work, your child’s routine and house cleaning, homework, dinner and more.  These things can be harder when you have to manage the schedule of your ex.

Getting organized and using a system such as a calendar can help you to be able to keep up with events and to know where you need to be at all time.  You can get in a habit of adding things in the calendar such as sports or extracurricular activities.

Make sure that when you make the calendar that you call your ex and have them to add special dates to the calendar so you will always know what to expect.

This will be a benefit for the kids because they will see that you care and that both you and your ex can work together to make it to programs and other important things.


Even if you are organized, things sometimes change.  If something comes up, make a solution and have an alternative plan without getting upset.  If you are late from work, call someone you trust to pick up your kid.

As long as you are being flexible and you are able to make small changes, you will be able to make things work out well for you.

Be Firm

Being a strong parent means that you have to say what you mean and keep your word.  This doesn’t mean that you don’t ever change your mind, but when you have a reason to discipline your child then do it and be firm.  It is easier to back off a consequence than it is to let a situation go unnoticed or ignore it.

In the moments when you don’t know how to respond to something your child has done, ask a friend or family for advice.

Be Independent and Reliable

Always know that independence is good but also know that there are times when you will need to depend on someone to help you.  Don’t always go at things alone and surround yourself with people that can help you.

Find people in your network that can help you and invest in relationships that are fun and helpful.  You can get a lot of support from good people.

Trust Yourself

One of the most important things that you can do is to trust yourself and to be enough in your own mind.  A single parent is always juggling time and things and if you feel that you are pulled in different directions, don’t be hard on yourself.  Know that you are strong and that you can make it.

If you don’t think you are, write down your feelings.  Begin to journal and write down about your day and how you are thinking about things.  Note your personal growth and see how far you have gone.


Single parents have a strong perspective and they need to know that everything isn’t a big deal.  Make sure that you know that things happen in the now and that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a resolution around the corner.  If your child is clingy or having fits, know this is just a temporary thing.

Always be loving and know that your child will grow and that struggles are just temporary.


A good parent will know that they have enough strength to make it through another day.  They can share what they are going through with other people.  Start a support group or join one to encourage other parents to not give up.  Meet with them once a month.

This job isn’t easy, but it is a privilege to share what you have learned and to help other single moms or dads to work hard for their children.

No matter what happens, know that each year that you gain more strength and before long, you will see what others see in you, and that is that you are a great parent!

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