Anxieties that affect children

Anxieties that affect children

Childhood is an anxious process on its own. Children have a lot of challenges they go through that doesn’t always make sense. However, sometimes, they are overwhelmed with these challenges and normal comforts that adults usually provide don’t seem to be enough. When this happens, a kid may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Types of anxiety disorders

There are several types of anxiety disorders, here are the ones normally experienced by children.

Separation anxiety disorder- this affects kids between 1-3 years old. Older kids may experience this too especially if they have excessive fear or anxiety of being separated from the caregivers. Kids with this disorder are frequently worried about their parents passing away or being separated from them. They may refuse from attending classes, have scary dreams or encounter symptoms such as headaches, or nausea because of anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder- the symptoms of this one are fatigue, muscle tension, irritability, sleep disturbances and difficulty concentrating.  They qualify for one to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. A kid may be worried about friendships, performance at school, family relationships or other activities.

Specific phobia- some kids may exhibit fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation. This danger may be classified as phobia if it progresses for a long time and is out of proportion. When the fear is present, kids will cry and cling to their parents.

Panic disorder-this is for kids who encounter continuous panic attacks. Symptoms of a panic attack are; chest pain, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath dizziness or heat sensations.

Selective mutism- kids who have this type of anxiety disorder may find it hard speaking in certain social situations despite being very talkative at home or anywhere they feel comfortable. Children around the age of 5 are the ones who are commonly diagnosed with this disorder.

Social anxiety disorder-your child may have an anxiety disorder if he has an intense fear of having to participate in a class or interact with their peers. They exhibit this type of disorder through clinging to adults, freezing up, crying and throwing tantrums. They are likely to avoid social situations to provoke this fear.

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