Motherhood makes you a better person

Motherhood makes you a better person

Motherhood is a humbling experience.  It is a tremendous undertaking to shape the hearts and minds of our children.  It can be stressful and challenging. Even the most calm of people can become anxious and tense.

These challenges can also make as better people.  Here are some changes that you may see:

  •  Accountability.  When we are teaching and training children we tend to model the behavior we want to see from them.  We don’t smoke or swear in front of them. We try to set the best example. This improves our behavior and helps us stay accountable to our values.
  • Patience: being around children requires patience. Being a patient requires more patience than any other task you will ever do.  You have to be patient to survive parenting.  We have to compromise and this skill definitely pays off in other areas of our life.
  • Compassion: Being a parent leaves you feeling scared and vulnerable. These feelings help you be empathetic when dealing with others who are facing challenges.
  • Organization: To survive and help your children, you have to be organized on some level to stay one step ahead of the inherent chaos brought about by children.
  • Stronger relationships: Your bond with your parenting partner will grow stronger as you realize that you need to be a team to truly be successful as a parent.

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