Don’t be your kid’s best friend, be their best parent

Don’t be your kid’s best friend, be their best parent

A parent should be there to teach and guide the kid. They have a responsibility to make good decisions, keep the family safe, model good habits and be consistent in a child’s life so that the child can feel safe and protected even when faced with all the life challenges.

Parents should make it possible for their kids to be free with them and tell them anything they’re facing and at the same time, they should set boundaries, make rules and regulations to be followed.

This strategy is what gives the kids a sense of belonging and safety

This is how a healthy relationship is developed between the parent and the kid, especially if done well. The parent’s responsibility is to give the kid’s consequences for bad things done while using those encounters as teachable moments.  The job of the parent is to prepare a kid for life. They should be able to talk about real issues with the children, teach them life skills making them feel confident when they go out. They will, therefore, be able to make wise decisions. “Friends do not have the type of relationship; active parents do.

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